Ok. there's someone just posted the similar kind of blog,
and i feel like, i should post one too.
checking back my photos in secondary school,
i found that i lost almost all of them.. TT
haiz.. no choice, i have to request some of the pictures from my friend..
(how can she still keep such old photos.. XD when that they all of us are not that good looking.. XD)
my hair in secondary school was black, of course it's black. XD
and short, i don't really know how to style my hair that time, plus my DARK skin color, and that time, i'm just soooooo ugly even out of my expectation..

feel like punch on that stupid face? yea i have the same thought. i hate the me in secondary school LOL
this "tortured when look into mirror" years not really passed fast, it spent me almost 5 years..
After that, Graduated. Everyone that just graduated sure will go and do something on their hair coz they desperately hope to do but can't due to secondary school restriction.
And so, i done mine too. == lets see.

OMFG. i can't accept i was looked like that. ><
but so what, who doesn't have the past, even that ALBEE YAP also have a past that she don't really wanna recalled hahaha.. (cheering up myself now.. lol)
after secondary school life is over, now let's go into my foundation studies life..
the hair.. got longer.. color, dyed darker color so that my dark skin look brighter. but i still hate this hairstyle. bird nest. LOL

erm... my eyes doesn't look like fish eyes at all that time.. look sleepy, kinda lazy eyes. haha
and i found that, i kept this hairstyle for whole foundation studies year.
ohya, another hairstyle and i don't know when was that, around found
ation studies i think. haha
okay, here comes degree life..
hair grown even more longer, thicker, messier.
but luckily i got to know alot of friends that good in dressing up nicely, and styling hair nicely. and i became this guy.
Yeap, I had changed. haha.. looks better.. longer hair, korean look? XD
and after that, hair grown LONGER.. become LALA...

too LALA, and i cut it, this time was my year 2 in degree life. looks even better in short hair? haha i don't know but i prefer short hair now haha~

and after that, grown longer again after few months, this photo taken at langkawi. XD
And i got bored with the color, and i dyed it bright... (that hairstylist told me dye brighter make me look brighter in skin color.. ==)
And grown longer again.. no difference but the color still thr. haha~
and again, i cut it. but this time i remained my hair on top, dye in back to darker color, and cut the sideburn shorter. im kinda love this photo XD
And wait for one or two months (my hair really grow faster.. dunno why) got longer, and this time, tried new hairstyle. I cut abit but remained the length of my hair, but SHAVED off my left side, my left sideburn gone. XD

I like that hairstyle but my hair just grown way too fast, and after few months, dyed for new color again. It was greenish grey and im totally in love with this color. XD
Before go my industrial training.. cut short, AGAIN.
And then, 3 months industrial training, i didn't cut my hair, at all. and finally grown longer AGAIN. XD
After back from industrial training, cut of the messy hair, and dyed back some color to cover my faded out color's hair, and got this..

And the final hairstyle, mushroom head, i cut my fringe, from my previous "right side longer" fringe, into "equally long mushroom" fringe. and found that i can be cute XD (this was two months ago, Year3 Semester 3 of my degree life, and i'm 22 years old.)

After this hairstyle, my hair actually grow longer again but i choose to cut back the same fringe and, dyed it redish brown. din update, because final exam is coming, and no time to wear nicely and take a nice photo.. haha.. but still kinda similar with this photo. ==
Okay, that's all my hair evolution, you will probably found there are some "characteristics" of my hair :
1) fast growing
2) dye color often
3) short-> long -> short -> long -> short ->...
4) color faded out easily..
5) hair damaged..
and, i really change a lot right?! hahahahahaXD~